Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Dear Family,

Thank you for the emails! I loved seeing the pictures of everyone, and seeing Hannah go to prom, and all of the awesome things happening. Thanks for the email :)  there's so much to reply to, and so little time! But know I appreciated every word, and I'm thinking of you, and you are all in my prayers every day, especially dexter at boot camp and Hannah with the trials she's facing, and Isaac preparing for his mission. 

Thanks for checking in on the phone! I don't necessarily want or need Internet, I would just like to access gospel library... But I guess you might need an Internet phone to do that. So thanks for looking into it for me! I'm excited to start looking for a job and getting things figured out so I can move forward. 

These are the things I wrote from stake conference that stood out to me personally, and I think it's interesting the next day you wrote me about the exact same topic haha. I literally just basically wrote my notes from stake conference, in the things that stood out to me, and I just want to share my testimony that I know these principles are true. President Toone said the most revelatory experience he has as a mission president is receiving revelation in who gets moved where, with what companion. He knows without a doubt that God guides and directs him in that process. It reminds me of when the 12 apostles assign mission calls. Heavenly Father directs that process so clearly, and He is truly the one who calls the missionary to their field of labor.  There are many missionaries who at first feel disappointed with their mission call, and wonder, "Heavenly Father, why are you sending me there? I don't want to go there." In the middle of it, missions can be SUPER hard, and missionaries even wonder why their there in the middle of it. But there is always a reason, and as they serve, they discover why God sent them there, and it becomes one of the most treasured experiences of their lives. They learn what God wants them to, and they become who God wants them to become. We are all serving together in the Lords kingdom, we just have different fields of labor, and we switch off from time to time. That testimony came from me as a missionary and the testimony I've gained personally.  :) 

Well, these 18 months are coming to a close. It feels completely unreal that I'll be home in a few days. I don't know how it will be, I'm feeling really sad about it. Excited, yes, but I anticipate it being a difficult transition, so please be patient with me haha. It's going to be hard! Gosh! But one thing I am excited for is just talking with you and spending time with you. I'm also so excited to share my missionary cd music with Adam and Peter and Isaac and all of you haha, your going to love it, I know you will :D

This week has been another crazy one, with high highs and low lows. The highlights were probably meeting with A. We have seen SO many miracles with him this week!! It's incredible! We had an appt with him Monday evening. The week before he had planned on the baptismal date of Nov. 1st, but we were going in and planning on teaching him the word of wisdom, and extending a date that we had prayed about and was a little bit closer - namely July 11th. Well, we walk into the lesson, and Andrew immediately says he has some things to tell us! A little bit of background on him, he has been a heavy drinker his entire life. We're talking cases of beer, vodka, ect every day. The word of wisdom was a concern of his from the beginning. Well, the first thing he tells us is that, when we invited him to read d&c 89 in advance for the lesson, he knew it was about the word of wisdom because he had read it before. He was planning on kind of tripping us up and pointing out discrepancies and giving us a hard time about it. But then, Sunday afternoon, he was driving - after studying the scriptures and praying - and he said that God just told him that it was time to quit. So he came home and dumped all of his alcohol down the drain! Every last drop, except for the wine he's giving his sister. He had gotten rid of all of it!! And, he said that he wanted to be baptized on July 4th! It was sooo crazy! Sister Wright and I probably looked so funny, we just sat there with our mouths open haha, it was incredible. It was such a testimony to me of how when people are willing to act - to study, ponder, and pray - God does help them to resolve their concerns, and changes their hearts, and works miracles in their lives. A was going through some withdrawals so he asked us if bishop could come give him a priesthood blessing. The next day we went with bishop T (he is so awesome) and bishop talked with him about baptism, gave him the blessing.... And then put him on date for baptism this Saturday! This was Monday night, so we had 2 weeks to prepare. He was doing awesome on quitting drinking, and had gone through most of the lessons.... So it was just incredible. A said yes, and he is so excited to be baptized. He told us that he knew it was right.... When he first agreed to learn, he was pretty skeptical. When we started teaching him, he opened up a little more. But when he started praying and reading on his own, that's when the true changes started happening, because it invited the Spirit into his heart and into his life. It was incredible!! 

Sunday we went to the Mesa visitors center and the temple (in K's mission :) ) it was so much fun, we went with him and M. We watched meet the Mormons, and I cried like a baby - we all did. We watched the testimonies of elder perry and president Monson, and those were so powerful. And we just walked around and took pictures! It was such a spiritual experience - truly amazing, the Spirit was so strong. :)

The other highlight was teaching R! He is doing SO amazing! We taught him Sunday night, and he did the sweetest thing for us - he bought both sister w and I flowers, and wrote us the sweetest thank you notes for teaching him, and wrote us a song on his guitar! It was the sweetest thing I've ever seen!! This is the navy veteran in his 60s who is in the wheelchair who we taught and baptized a few weeks ago. He is one of the strongest converts I've ever seen. He is so amazing! We had stake conference this week and it was INCREDIBLE. It was so cool! Haha, elder S of the 70 came. He is so funny! At one point he was just asking questions, in the adult session, he was asking for examples of how ward counsels had come together to be guided by the lord and do his work. Bishop T got up and talked about the experience of everyone helping R to be baptized, and R got to wave at everyone, he was sitting there absorbing everything. I think that was a really special moment for him, and it made me so happy! Something terrifying happened though!! Oh man! So the brethren have made some amazing changes to ward counsels that are going to bless he lives of members and investigators SO much! At the end of stake conference, he talked about how missionaries will be able to help in ward counsel, and then he had all of the missionaries come stand in front of the whole stake. He told us to think about the question - how to help the ward counsel find, teach, baptize, and retain - and then handed the microphone to a random elder to answer it. Then, as the elder was answering, he scanned all of us, and walked directly toward me and sister wright at the end! Haha I tried to avoid his gaze because I was terrified to answer this question in front of the whole stake, but he zeroed in on me and gave me the microphone and said "your next!" I gave my little answer and the meeting went on, but it was so scary haha. But it was such a fantastic meeting! I learned some really amazing things, and I know that the things we've learned are true principles, and I am excited to apply them in my life.

It was a really special week. I did get really overwhelmed, and sad, at one point, and that was really hard. But we worked it out. I got to go on exchanges onto the Native American reservation as well, and that was so cool. I love the people there. :) They were Apache families that we taught, and it was special to have that time with them. It is humbling to see the challenges hey face living on the res, especially spiritual challenges in raising a family. But those families have done an amazing job.

We had one really scary moment this week haha. So we were teaching L. She has a boyfriend who is a terrible influence on her - his name is R. But he likes to be called c. which means crazy in Spanish. He has major issues and has been a really bad influence in L's life, which is heartbreaking because she used to be going so strong. She really wants to follow the savior and live the gospel, but she's having a hard time right now. Well, they live in a trailer park that is really, really poor. Their house is made up of plywood walls, and it's just really a humbling area to be in. We were teaching her, and c came in the lesson because he likes to do that sometimes. Well L's daughters boyfriend walked into the house and gave L a soda, like he normally does. C has major issues with her family - he says because they drink, but I think it's also because he's jealous and controlling. So he flipped out at the young man and yelled at him to get out of the house. It turned into this big fight, and c grabbed him by the shirt and arms and threw him out of the house. Well, the young man has issues also, and so c locked him out, and the young man for the next half hour, hour or so kept running around the trailer screaming and banging on the windows and walls. It was terrifying! L and sis w and a baby that L was babysitting, we all just kind of huddled together and knelt on the floor. Eventually we started singing hymns. We were trapped in the house for about an hour. C called the police, and when the police came they talked to us all and figured out what happened. One of the policemen was really cool, he was glad we weren't on bikes. They told us we were really gutsy to come into this area, because when policemen go into that area they always go with at least a 3 man team. It was soooo crazy! It was scary in the moment, but we all knew we would be okay, we just felt it. It was scary though! We were in their house for a total of 3 hours because of that. I'm just glad we were all okay!

So, needless to say, it was a crazy but awesome week.

I can't believe my mission is ending. It's definitely been one of the hardest things I've ever done, but it's an experience I will never, ever regret, or forget. I know it's changed me. It's brought me closer to the Savior, and I've grown to love Him and I want to follow Him even more when I go home. I've set goals and made plans to continue to grow spiritually when I go home, and to hold myself accountable so I continue to progress and don't regress. I think I'm going to keep doing daily and weekly planning, so I can keep using my time the best I can and keep on serving and progressing. I'm excited for the work and adventures ahead. Being a missionary has brought me the greatest happiness I've ever felt in my life, as I've come closer to Christ and have helped and seen others come unto Him as well. I have learned so much! I have loved my mission. I am so sad to be going home, but I know Heavenly Father has great things in store for all of us as we continue to follow Him.

I love you guys. Thank you for being such incredible examples to me. I love you, and I hope to talk with you and continue to learn from you all my life. I know I'll need it when I go home, and make this transition, and face these changes. I have so much more to say, and I'm feeling so much at this time. But the words are leaving me, I don't know if words could describe how I feel right now. But I love the savior, and I know this is the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I have loved being a missionary, I'm going to miss putting the name tag on every day and working so hard and feeling of the reward that comes from not giving up and doing your best each day to serve faithfully. I am committed to serving for the rest of my life, because I know that's where true happiness is found. 

25 For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: and whosoever will lose his life for my sake shall find it.
 I know the words of the Savior is true. I have truly found my life in His service, and I intend to continue to find it more and more the rest of my life, because I love Him and I know this is where true life is - no other life compares to losing your life in the savior and in serving others. You tell the missionaries in the branch to start planning lessons, because I'm coming and I want to help them out! Haha, tell the ward that too. I'm excited and pumped up to serve to serve. I think when I go home, that's when the real work and service begins. My mission has taught me that. :) 

I love you guys! 
Have an awesome week. I'll talk with you soon. :) 


Sister Whitney Morris ♥️

Thursday, May 28, 2015



Dear Family,

Thanks so much for the emails, and for the letters this week! I loved hearing from everyone. Jacobs story about the snake was terrifying haha, and I loved hearing from Hannah, and getting Adam and peters pictures. Thanks for sending me dexters letter too, it was so good to hear that he's okay and going to church with his fellow marines! Yay! I sent him a letter last week and will be writing him every week, even when I go home. Thanks for sending me his letter! Also thanks for checking up on my finances and everything, the roommate application looked perfect haha. Walmart would be awesome, actually, as long as I can have Wednesday evenings and Sunday's off for institute and church. That would be awesome! I'm glad the mustang is getting taken care of as well! I loved seeing the pictures of Isaac and Shannon in their prom clothes. That is just too fun :) haha I'm glad Isaac is sharpening up in his teasing skills! That's funny they've gotten a little rusty :D I'm sure they'll kick in quickly enough. I'm really proud of the man he's becoming though. Isaac, you are going to LOVE your mission. :)

I'm excited to share a room with Hannah! It was so sad how hogan died haha. And that it took so long to notice.... Oh man haha :D we will definitely have to hang out and do some fun things this summer. I'm happy Hannah gets to go to prom, and that she'll do high school with byu next year! They have a great program, great education. Maybe she'll have the opportunity for scholarships or something at byu. That would be pretty cool! I remember when I went to prom with a sweet, kind of nerdy guy, and it was so much fun. I think she's going to have a blast, and that that young man is so lucky to go with her!

I think homecoming dessert sounds perfect! Don't worry, I don't expect anything huge at all haha. I'm just excited to see everyone and talk with everyone. Hanging out at the house eating dessert and talking is perfect. :) nothing too big at all!

That's so sweet Adam is brushing your hair! That's the cutest thing I've heard all day! And if Isaac wants a graduation picture with a hobo, he should come to Phoenix haha. I actually don't have Katherine's address, but I got her first email as a missionary and she wanted me to forward it to ya'll :D so hopefully you got it ok! Also happy Memorial Day! And also, I read your email last night before bed (we're allowed to do that during lunchtime or before bed- just not respond. It's sort of like getting a letter in the mail.) and you told me to not die in a bike crash this next week and a half... Haha, that's like my worst fear, as silly as it sounds! I had a nightmare last night that I did, and it was horrible.... So don't worry, I'll keep myself safe, and Heavenly Father will keep me safe, and I'll see you soon haha.

So as for us, it has been an INCREDIBLE week! It has been so, sooo busy! Wow! We've had so many lessons, and preparing for L and J's baptisms was awesome. :) It has been such an incredible week. I've felt the Spirit so strongly. It's been a little bit of a roller coaster week, with pretty high highs and low lows. I think we are both a little stressed and emotional, with transfers coming and me going home soon, and having two baptisms in a week. It was incredible but also stressful. But the good thing is that sister w and I learn from each other and support each other and work things out, and it's just been amazing. She is an awesome companion, I really love her and am so grateful for her. She's an awesome friend!

We had a funny miracle - so besides L and J, the two main people we are working with are C (a young mom who feels this is the right church for her, and is studying the bom. We just need to help her get to church.) and A - he's the super cool referral who defended us against the creeper a few weeks ago. Well, his member girlfriend moved down to Phoenix to be closer to him and family, and he is doing so well! We had a lesson with him this week, we taught him the gospel of Jesus Christ. He talked about seeing the church, and we offered to give him a church tour. He said sure! Do you have some time right now? So we all drove over to the church, met him there, and gave him a tour! It was so awesome!!! The Spirit was really strong. Since then he's read halfway through first Nephi and has started reading doctrine and covenants too. He never wanted to come to church because he never liked going. But last night he texted us and told us this is the first time in his life where he's felt excited to go to church :) yay!!! It was so cool! It's incredible to see his progress, finding and gaining his own testimony! I think it's the best feeling as a missionary to see the people you serve and love experience that.

The highlights of this week were definitely the baptisms of L and J. It was sooo crazy, but it all worked out perfectly! It was so funny, on Friday they both had their interviews - J in the afternoon, L in the evening. We picked J up with a member, and her son E threw a FIT going out the door. It was so sad! Poor guy, and poor J! Haha, it was crazy. But we got to the church, and she had her interview, and it went great :) she was so happy and excited to be baptized! Then later in the evening we had L's interview. That was the one I was most worried about! But L was so excited, and he did great!! Yay!!! It was so funny - while we were waiting for him, we were waiting outside with our district leaders companion (the dl does the interviews.) well, he was staring at the ceiling, and sister w randomly says "if you stare at it long enough, it might start moving." He said "what?" She said "the giant bug right there! It's like the size of a quarter!" Haha he started looking for this bug, and sister w would say "look! There it is! At about two tiles by two tiles... I can't believe you don't see it!" Hahaha she had him thinking there was a giant bug for like 3 minutes until he caught on haha. It was so funny! We also had fun with L waiting, he has this joke he always tells us, and it's hilarious. We recorded him saying it, I'll have to send it home sometime. It was so much fun!

Then Saturday we had the baptisms. First was J, at 11:00 am. She was baptized with an investigator the elders were teaching. It was such a beautiful service! The Spirit was soooo strong. A young couple in our ward who are from Samoa did a musical number, and it was so beautiful. It brought in the spirit so strongly. Then there were testimonies given of baptism and of the Holy Ghost. And then J was baptized, followed by J. It was so beautiful!  She was glowing, and she knew this is what she wants for her and her family. Her husband and her son E were there. Her husband is excited to be baptized again in the next year or so, and their goal is to be sealed in the temple someday. J's friend V came too, and he's so funny! He's not a member, and during the musical number and the speakers he was completely enraptured in what was going on. Afterwards everyone was so happy, and he walked up to sister w and I and gave us a huge hug! Ahhh! Haha we did the awkward arm side hug thing because we aren't supposed to hug guys at all... But he just was so happy and didn't know that was a rule, haha so he just walked up and gave us a hug! It was really funny. Everyone just felt so good afterwards, the spirit was so strong. :) another awesome part was R, our recent convert who was baptized two weeks ago, he said the closing prayer. Before he prayed, he shared his heartfelt testimony of baptism, and it was just so beautiful! It made me so happy to see how his happiness and testimony has grown!

A few hours later, we had L's baptism! He was baptized with his great grandson who just turned 8- how awesome is that? His whole family was there, and it was sooo sweet! They were all so happy for L. L is 87 years old and going strong! He has the sweetest cry I've ever seen, he always cries when he feels the spirit, and he sort of crinkles his eyes and it comes out in little puffs of breaths. It's sooo sweet! He started crying during the talks, especially when they talked about how he would be sealed with his wife. His wife passed away a year ago, and it's so sweet to see L's love for her. He's so excited to be with her again someday. The baptism was beautiful. It was really cool, A and his girlfriend M both came too! We weren't expect them to, but they showed up, and A felt the spirit so strongly and loved it! It was so awesome!

Then the next day, Sunday, was one of the happiest days of my entire life. On Thursday during studies at 8:30 am we had heard a heavy knock on the door. The hermanas answered, and we heard a voice say "is sister M there?" It was brother F, our first counselor in the bishopric of our ward! He knocked on the door and asked if I could speak Sunday! It was my last sacrament mtg on my mission, and my last mtg in the Maryvale ward, because this Sunday is stake conference. I happily agreed to. Later I found out that he had also asked R to speak! So on Sunday first R spoke in sacrament mtg, sitting in his wheelchair holding up a microphone up on the stand. It was such a beautiful talk, about his journey into the gospel, and how it's changed his life, and the two sisters who knocked on his door that were led by the lord to answer his prayers. It was so beautiful and I was just so filled with joy, I was bawling. After his talk, two elders spoke, and then I spoke. I loved preparing my talk, I love being a missionary! He asked me to speak on the joy of missionary work - how perfect is that, having had two people confirmed that day in church who I love who we taught, and R speaking too?? I couldn't have imagined a better last service on my mission. It was so incredible. I sent ya'll the notes from my talk, and I just wish I could express fully the joy that has filled my heart, helping L and J and R come unto Christ and seeing how Christ has changed their lives. It's incredible! The greatest joy I have ever experienced in my life. It was so amazing!

I know this gospel is true, and I know that following the savior is the way of happiness. I love being a missionary! It's been the greatest experience of my entire life. This Sunday I have my departing interview with president T, and then next week I will be home. My mission has flown by, I will be forever grateful and indebted to my heavenly father for blessing me with this experience. 

I love you guys, and I hope you have a fantastic week. :)


Sister Whitney Morris

Sunday, May 24, 2015

May 17, 2015

Dear Family,

Thanks so much for the email! It's always so fun to hear from home. I can't believe K goes into the mtc this week - that is so incredible! I'm excited to hear where Isaac is called to serve. :) Its totally okay about the mustang, haha, don't worry! I'm just super grateful I'll have a working car when I go home. I'm glad the valet called Isaac to get the insurance and everything, so hopefully it'll be taken care of soon. That was fun to hear about Shaffer's too! I may actually want to work there over the summer.... It makes pretty good money, quickly, and I just want to save up for school and a cell phone and everything. I feel bad coming home and not being self reliant immediately haha, but I know that's an unrealistic expectation for myself. But I do want to work hard in school and with everything so I can become self reliant. I'm really grateful for everything you have helped me with. I was thinking maybe I could help with extra jobs or hard jobs around the house to pay back for car insurance and gas and stuff while I get on my feet a tiny bit. So just something to think about! I'm excited to start taking pictures again, too. :) 
That's scary about stalkers haha.... Oh man! Well, I keep telling Sister W this, but if there is anything that teaches you loving boldness, it's definitely a mission. I told her that I definitely had "nice girl syndrome" before my mission, but after my mission I feel pretty confident in being able to tell guys I'm just not interested. So that's a good thing! I was actually thinking of inviting Isaac to go to institute and the YSA ward in DC with me, if he wants to, before his mission. I want to start going or else I'll never get married ;) and I want to have a social life when I get home haha. I really do want to get married in the temple, when the time is right, and I know that might be a little harder in Virginia. So I've learned on my mission the power of setting goals, and making plans to meet those goals. So, my plan to meet that goal is to be really active in church and Institute (not just for that reason, of course), just right from the get go. Isaac, would you be interested in that? No pressure or anything, of course. I'll be happy to go by myself too :) it's just a little scary thinking of going places by myself now haha..... So weird!!

I also wanted to let you know before I forget that I want to live on campus. My dream would be rooming with fellow ysa people, but the first step is probably just living on campus. If they have a survey thing to fill out, could you put that I am a morning person - NOT a night owl - (that's not quite true, but hopefully I'll avoid any hard core parties roommates that way) and that I'm super duper clean. I'll just pray for really good roommates. Hopefully I'll get married before too long and I won't have to worry about that anymore, haha. Boy, I sound marriage trunky, don't I? I promise I'm not. It's so funny, the elders here are wayy more marriage minded then the sisters! It's hilarious. I just don't want to put it off, if that's what Heavenly Father wants for me. I am trusting in His timing. But I know some people put it off and miss this time that is the perfect opportunity, and they never get married. Sad day!

That was sweet to hear about J Is emailcall, and I'm sorry to hear Hannah is having such a hard time! That's one thing I'm nervous for about going to school at GMU - especially in the art program. That's one reason I was kind of leaning to art history instead... But hopefully I'll be able to succeed in that field, and make a positive impact in the world, and be a good example, uphold truth and everything. Hannah, I know you already know this, but if you ever feel alone you can just pour your heart out to your Heavenly Father. He always listens, even if we are angry or have a runny nose from crying haha. He always listens and always answers. Something cool I found in studies this week talked about the Holy Ghost. I related the calling to being a missionary, but it could relate to anyone I think. As members we are each called to be a representative of Jesus Christ, and covenant with God to take upon ourselves His name. Here's the quote

Because you are called by Jesus Christ to His service, you may go forward with great confidence. First, you may be assured that He knows you and your capacity to grow. He has prepared you. Calls will stretch you, often at the start and always over their course, but He will give you the Holy Ghost to be your companion. The Holy Ghost will tell you what to do when your own abilities and efforts are not enough (see John 14:26). The Holy Ghost will prompt you to bear testimony with conviction. The Savior will let you feel the love He feels for those you serve. The call is an invitation to become like Him

I love how it says the Holy Ghost will tell you what to do when your own abilities and efforts are not enough. Because, believe me, all of us imperfect human beings, our own abilities and efforts aren't enough. We need Him, and hard times sometimes teach us that - that we do really need our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ every hour. So if you don't know what to do, just pray a lot, and rely on the Savior through prayer and study. You will feel their love, and you won't feel alone anymore, and you'll feel confident knowing your doing the right thing. You'll know what to do. 

It's hard when you feel alone or misunderstood, but that's why I love your poem so much Hannah. What Heavenly Father thinks is what is most important. I think your being an awesome example, you never know who is watching your example and being inspired by it, without you even knowing. I've met and taught many people who gained an interest in the gospel because of the good example of their friends or coworkers. Some of them had known members 10+ years ago and their example still made the difference, and made them take an interest in learning even that much later. You never know the difference you are making, and I think your being an awesome missionary by standing up for what is right. Your so awesome, Hannah :) 

Mommy, it was so funny to read about how you love reading from Mormon, and about the wars! Super funny because in relief society yesterday, we had the funniest lesson.... It was awesome, but a lady there who is really sweet, a recent convert, she's super old and just is confused about the gospel - she kind of got in a debate with the teacher about how she doesn't like the wars in the Book of Mormon. Lots of ladies had wonderful things to say, but it wandered from how they liked rated R movies but couldn't watch them so they enjoyed reading the battles in the Book of Mormon, to how we are fighting a battle against Isis, to all sorts of really random topics.... So, not going to lie, Sister W and I were happy we didn't have any investigators there that day, haha! Anyways I think that's awesome and just super funny that you mentioned that. I love reading about that in the Book of Mormon, especially the righteous leaders who didn't want to fight, but knew why they had to and their incredible examples. The Book of Mormon is so awesome :) 

Well, as for us, it's been an awesome week! We did a lot of service, at st Mary's food bank and also helping L chop up tree branches near her house. The weather has been gorgeous - 70s and 80s. SO weird for Phoenix, but I'm so happy about it! I'm hoping it will last 2 more weeks so I won't have to deal with 120 degree weather again before I go home. :) 

We had exchanges this week, and I got to go to south Phoenix with Sister A! My companion in Gilbert! We had an awesome time together. She and I had a lot of struggles we worked through as companions, and it was really cool to see how much she's grown, and also how much I've grown in some ways too. Looking back on our companionship, I can see so many mistakes I made or things I did that contributed to the hard time we had. Now I can see that and know how to handle things differently. We had a really, really awesome exchange, and it was a lot of fun to serve with her again, and reminisce about some people we taught and experiences we had. It was a lot of fun :)

We have some great news - J is getting baptized this Saturday with L! Remember L, the sweet old man we have been teaching? He was on date to be baptized but went into the hospital and it had to be postponed. Now he's recovered, and he had some struggles with tithing and the word of wisdom, but we worked with bishop and together we are helping him along. L has committed to live the commandments, we just know he'll need extra continued support to help him continue to do so. Anyhow, his great grandson is getting baptized this Saturday - he's 8 - and so L wanted to be baptized with him. So he'll be getting baptized this Saturday. :) Bishop feels really good about it. I'm a little worried - I've learned as a missionary that it can be pretty easy to help people be baptized. But what my heart really, really wants for them is to experience true conversion so they can remain strong in the gospel. I think L will, he is very faithful in coming to church and he has a good relationship with bishop, so I know those things will help him be strong. Then J wants to be and is preparing to be baptized this week as well. She's so amazing - her mom has been in the hospital all week, so she's been in surprise. So we haven't seen her at all this week :( but she drove all the way down from surprise to come to church this Sunday, even though she could just stay for a little bit. I'm worried for her and A too, but I think I just worry too much. They are such an awesome family and I know they really want this for themselves and to raise their young family in. So I know things will turn out okay for them. If you could keep them in your prayers though, that would be awesome!

The highlight of the week was last night, we took R and L to the mission presidents devotional in Tempe. It was so awesome!! It was so funny - Us and Sister R all squished in this tiny car. They are all in their 60s and older haha. It was just so funny, talking and laughing with them :) I love them all! It was a fantastic meeting, and very spiritual. They all loved it. It was my last MPD, so that was a little melancholy. It's hard having my mission wrapping up. We are still working hard, and I love being a missionary. But at night, my mind doesn't stop thinking anymore. It's like Christmas Eve as a kid, but every single night. It's exhausting haha, I hope it doesn't continue this way for the next 2 weeks! I'm just nervous to come home. And sad, I'm going to miss Arizona and the people. And just being a missionary. It's the greatest calling in the whole world. But I am determined to keep serving and stay strong when I come home, and I'm excited for what that will bring. I feel like going home is when the real work begins. 

Well, I love you guys. Thanks so much for all your support and love. I actually would love some help shipping things. I think I'm going to get rid of most of my clothes, but I'll probably mail home my letters and a bunch of other stuff. There is some funny news about my bike - I got a call from the detective two days ago, and they found it! Sad news is, whoever stole it pawned it to a pawn shop, so I either have to pay $100 to get it back or come back in a year + to go to court and get it back for free. If I don't show up  they'll just give it to the state and they'll auction it off. So I'll probably just do that. I'll leave the bike I have now (a sister gave me hers for free when she went home) with some members who need it. There are a lot of kids in the ward who don't have one who would probably love it, and it's pretty beat up so probably not worth sending home. 

The biggest help I'll need going home is just getting a cell phone and clothes. I've saved up over $100 in gift cards, so I'll be able to buy all my own clothes and everything. But I would like to get a phone asap - for work, school, dating, church callings, it's pretty important ha. But we can figure that out when I go home. Do you know how much money I still have in my savings? I lost track a while ago. I've tried not to spend too much, but I know I've spent a few hundred in the last 18 months. Also, were ya'll able to set up a doc appt yet? That's another thing worrying me.... How long am I allowed to stay on my parents insurance? With diabetes I need to become self reliant and get my work and everything started pretty soon, but I think that will work out in the coming years. 

Well I think that's all for this week! I'm doing awesome, the work is moving forward, and things are going great. :) I know this gospel is true, and I know that the savior lives. I know the Book of Mormon is true, and no matter how many times we read it, if we feast on its words we learn the most INCREDIBLE things. God really speaks to us through its pages :)

 I love you guys and hope you have an awesome week! Love you!!!


Sister Whitney Morris 

May 11, 2015

Hey Family!
Thanks so much for the emails! It was SO awesome seeing you last night. :) It was so fun to see you all and hear your voices! Don't worry about writing me "trunky" emails at all haha. Mommy, you haven't said one thing that has made me trunky. Every single email you have encouraged me to work hard and have told me what a good example I've been, and even though you talk about things from home or the future it's totally fine! If you were a boyfriend then talking about the future would make me trunky haha, but the things you tell me don't make me trunky at all. And I'm really not trunky at all - we are still working hard, being obedient, giving it our all, and are loving being missionaries! So it's totally fine! You haven't made me trunky at all! :) I really appreciate you guys being concerned about that though! That shows what awesome supportive parents you are!

That's so funny and sad about Isaacs graduation, haha! We'll have to get some really good picture of him to make it up. Sounds like he had a great attitude. :)

Thanks for sending me Dexters address, I'll write him a letter today. I'll say a prayer for Brittany as well!

Well as for us it's been a fantastic week! This morning was crazy haha. Our whole mission went to hike in Maricopa, on the Mormon battalion trail for our p day. President and sister T took us all, and they had a history specialist come and tell us about the Mormon battalion. It was so cool!!! It was a 2 hour drive away though... So we woke up at 3:30 this morning to hit the trail by 6, because it was getting hot pretty quickly. It was so much fun! We hiked the trail, got to see old companions and friends who were transferred away, and spent time in the desert and the beautiful Arizona mountains. It is sooooo beautiful, in a desert kind of way. We had such a great time! 

It was really cool - over a year ago I started my mission in Maricopa, and in my last transfer I got to go to the building where I did training and went to church and skipped with my trainer as a trainee, and in my last transfer I got to go again with my trainee, and now co senior comp - the lovely sister wright :) it was really special!

We just barely drove him, and I am exhausted haha, so it will probably be a shorter email today. It's been a little bit tough lately - last night I felt really sad because of one of the sister missionaries we live with. She's really, really hard to live with, and it's really stressful. Sister W and I just talked about it until bedtime last night, and she was so supportive and kind and helped me so much! She is the best! I love her so much! 

R's baptism was sooo incredible. It was the most stressful baptism I've ever set up, haha. It was so crazy beforehand! We had worked on the program earlier that week, but we signed on to print it off the computer at the church, and someone had wiped the computer clean - it didn't even have Microsoft word on it! So it took is FOREVER to make the program because it was this really weird, difficult to use text program, and we didn't have a starting format already set up so we had to figure it all out. It was so stressful! Then the plug to the font was lost, but luckily we found it haha. The font here is pretty old so we have to turn on the hot water for 5 min then turn it off for 5-10, and just keep doing that until it's full. Then, the most stressful thing was R arrived, and he was soooo excited! He had been preparing all day. :) Then the person in the ward who was supposed to find a chair for him to be carried into the font with called us, and told us he wasn't able to find one.... So we scrambled around for ideas, and luckily found a chair in the nick of time. With all the chaos going on, I just kept thinking to myself that it was going to be an incredible baptism, because everything went wrong before haha! And that prediction was correct. They brought R into the font, so smoothly, and so perfectly! He was in the chair, and 3 Polynesian guys in our ward carried him in. One stood behind him holding his head and the back of the chair, then the other two stood surrounding him supporting him, and then the last person stood and pronounced the baptismal prayer. They baptized him and it was perfect, and the Spirit was sooooo strong. ♥️ 4 of R's nonmember daughters came, and one of them was just crying. Afterwards they thanked each of us for helping their dad, and talked about how they had seen such amazing changes in him. The coolest part, and most spiritual, was definitely his testimony at the end though. He bore testimony of the truthfulness of the gospel and the prophet Joseph smith. There's a scripture in acts that describes perfectly R - and I love it! It's such a cool story - basically, the Spirit directed the apostle Phillip to street contact a man who was TOTALLY prepared for the gospel and ends up being baptized. So at the end it says

38 And he commanded the chariot to stand still: and they went down both into the water, both Philip and the eunuch; and he baptized him.

39 And when they were come up out of the water, the Spirit of the Lord caught away Philip, that the eunuch saw him no more: and he went on his way rejoicing.

I love 39 because it says the Lord caught away Philip - you could say that Philip was transferred to another area. But it says the man saw him no more, and went on his way rejoicing. I LOVE this verse, because although I love the people I teach soooooo much - more then I thought my heart could ever feel - I want them to, when I go away, to be rejoicing because of the truth and light they have found in the gospel. I want them to be converted to the gospel, not the missionary. I know for sure that R has truly been converted to the gospel. He thanks us for all we've done for him, but I thank him for what he's done for me, because he really studied and prayed in his own, and that's why he was able to learn so much and gain a strong spiritual foundation - not because we taught him, because the Spirit taught him through us and through his personal experiences praying and studying. He's one of the most firm converts I've ever seen, and I'm so grateful we had the opportunity to see him be baptized and confirmed! He was so happy! All day yesterday, and he received such special blessings when he received the Holy Ghost. It was amazing. :)

I told you about J and A already, and that's really exciting! We also taught A again, the cool guy who defended us last week! We had a restoration lesson with him, and it went so well! Turns out his girlfriend is a member, and invited him to meet with us #awesomemembermissionary. She was there during the lesson, and we brought a member who was THE perfect fellowship - they became instant friends! It was a really great lesson!

It's been a really incredible week, and I just love being a missionary. :)

Haha I did have a few embarrassing experiences this week....

1) We were walking to our apt at night, and we live in an apartment complex that's a little sketchy haha, but safe don't worry. :) Well I saw this guy biking, with a helmet on, and I thought it was one of the elders! So I yelled out "hey elder!" Meanwhile thinking in my head "where is your companion?? And why isn't your helmet strap buckled under your chin?" He yells hi back, and then comes into the street light, and it was totally a police officer!! Hahaha, it was so embarrassing! He looked so much like a missionary! It was so funny. I wonder if he gets that a lot - nobody wears helmets in Phx except missionaries!

So then
2) We are biking along, and sister W and I are having this AWESOME conversation, and I'm turning back my head looking behind me talking to her.... And I bike right into a parked car!! Hahaha it was so embarrassing! The guy came running out and I apologized, and luckily it wasn't hurt at all. Then literally the next street up, some recent converts drove by and waved hi to us. I waved back, and then accidentally swerved in front of a car driving behind us! It honked and luckily didn't hit us, but it was so embarrassing!!! Hahaha, biking is crazy, especially as a missionary in Phoenix!

I think that's about it for this week. There's so much more that happens every day, but I keep a good journal so most of its in there. It was an awesome week. :)

I hope you guys have a good week! I love you! And I'm praying for you. :)

Love you!!!


Sister Whitney Morris

Saturday, May 9, 2015


Dear Family,

Thanks so much for the awesome emails!! I especially loved the pictures of ya'll with the sheep, that lady did an awesome job! My favorites were mommy and Hannah shearing the sheep, and Adam holding the hilarious baby pig haha. Those were soooo cute :) I'm so proud of Dexter! Will you send me his bootcamp address asap so I can write him a letter? It was too bad to hear about __'s struggles this week as well. I will make sure to keep him in my prayers! I hope things work out for the best!

As for us, we have had such an awesome week!! It's definitely been a week of miracles! I feel like we've been working hard, being diligent and doing the best we can, and Heavenly Father is just working miracles in the lives of our investigators. The first miracle is A and J - they are doing AWESOME. We did a whole lesson with her about the Book of Mormon, and she basically shared with us how her testimony has grown. At first she felt scared to meet with us, before we started teaching her, but as she's learned she has come to know for herself that this is the right path for her and her family. It's been soooo powerful to see the change and the light grow in her :) When we first met her in the Walmart parking lot she was so cautious and almost stand offish with us! Now she is feeling the Spirit and has completely warmed up, and has become an awesome friend, and we have seen the changes this is making in her and in her life. It is the most miraculous thing to see! We love her and her family so much!

We also had a super cool experience with a less active family we've been working with. They have been less active for years, and they have a 12 yr old daughter who had a member friend, and now she wants to be baptized. At first we were worried about having her baptized, because we were scared she would lack the family support and we didn't know if she was truly being converted to the gospel. We wanted to involve the family so the daughter wouldn't just go less active after her baptism. Sadly that happens a lot - new members need SO much support and love from the ward! That life change can be so difficult for them, especially when they feel like their doing it alone. Anyways, so this week we had a miracle lesson with them. We basically sat there, while they opened up about different trials their family has gone through. Then the parents told us that they had been thinking about coming back to church, and they started talking about why they wanted to, and the Spirit just entered the room soooo strongly! There was the sweetest spirit there! The whole family's countenance had changed. We invited them to come to church, and they said yes, but they said yes before and hadn't come.... But Sunday morning we got a call from the dad asking what time it was at! And the whole family came!!!! WOOOOOHOOOOOOO!!!!! It was SO awesome!!!!! Their whole countenances have been changing, and we are so happy, they haven't been to church in years! So it is incredible to see them making these steps towards coming back :) They are an awesome family, too! We really love them and we are so excited for them!

We also had a super cool miracle! Haha this is a crazy story! So we received a referral for a man who wanted a copy of the Book of Mormon. We went by around 8:30 at night in a prettyyy sketchy apartment complex... Knocked on his door, and he opened up, and he immediately started asking a ton of questions: what was different about the Book of Mormon vs. the bible, what the whole deal was with the prophet Joseph Smith, and if we are allowed to drink alcohol, coffee, ect. We answered his questions, and he was super cool!! As he inquired about the word of wisdom, he said "by the way, I am intending to convert. That's why I'm asking!" He was a really smart, in his early 30s probably, and has been in law enforcement before. Super cool guy! But then the most awkward thing happened in the middle of our conversation! We were standing on the front porch because it was only us and him, so we had to stay outside (mission rules). Well we hear this creepy voice behind us make these really rude comments - "those are two nice girls there! Why don't you take them inside? That's what I would do..." And all these yucky comments! I turned around and there was this shirtless, baggy pants, covered in tattoos guy, with a big ole' pot belly looking at us. I almost started laughing, because it was ridiculous, but then I turned and looked at A - the referral - and he looked really angry! The guy stumbled away, and then A started telling us how that guy is crazy, and he hates when people disrespect women, and told us to be careful, especially in the area, and if anyone ever bothered us to come and knock on his door and he would take care of it. He always answers his door with a gun, (it's a really sketchy area - if I lived there, which I never would, I would too) but he had put it away when he saw we were innocent harmless sister missionaries. But it was cool knowing he was watching out for us! That was definitely a crazy experience! A is SO golden though!! We are so excited to teach him!

We also had a really awesome time going to the temple visitors center with R and L. We went to the Mesa visitors center with them, and that was soooo awesome. :) It was the craziest trip ever.... Haha, last minute our member ride cancelled on us. So we were scrambling around trying to find out who could drive. The zone leaders gave us permission to have R drive us, and they had us look in the white handbook and there wasn't anything against it, so he drove us and L in his black charger! Haha it was so crazy!! We didn't know before we got in the car, but R is disabled - he's in a wheelchair - and he hasn't driven for two years..... So, not going to lie, I said s little prayer that we would make it home alive hahaha. But don't worry, he was a great driver, and we got there and back safe. It was such an awesome experience for them. :) L has been going through a really hard time.... It's a little bit of a crazy situation. So she came, and she gained so much peace. When we first picked her up she was just venting to us, but when we left she was glowing and happy. And R, wow he loved it! He literally absorbs eveything - he's like a giant sponge, picking up every bit of knowledge and testimony he can. He is so excited about the gospel. We watched a movie there about the atonement, then went through the family presentation, and he really wants to go to the temple to do his family history work someday. :) His dream is that the rest of his children will join him as well, and he's working on it! He's so incredible, we're so excited for him! He is super excited for his baptism this Saturday!!!

We had one more super cool experience. So Monday night we were walking out of an apartment complex. We stopped to ask if a family needed help moving. Turns out they had just moved here from Africa! We started talkin with the guy named S, and he asked why we were nicknamed Mormons. We started telling him about the Book of Mormon, and he got SO excited. He loves the bible, and it made him so excited to think that Christ visited the people in the Americas, and that there were more witnesses of Him! He was soooo cool, and said he would try to read an hour a week in the Book of Mormon, and wanted us to meet with him again. Sadly he lives outside of our area, so we're handing him off to other missionaries, but it was such a cool experience :) I've never seen anyone get that excited about the Book of Mormon in a street contact. It was super cool!

It's really been an awesome week, we are working hard and I'm learning so much. Don't worry, I'm not getting trunky. I loved hearing about the elder whose in denial, haha, that's totally what it's like! We always tell people we have been out just over a year to avoid those sad conversations. Missions are funny :)

Well, I love you guys, and I'm glad everything is going well at home. We are working hard and are being obedient. I still love being a missionary. I hope ya'll have a great week! Don't forget to send me dexters address so I can write him a letter! Love you guys! Have an awesome week. :)


Sister Whitney Morris 

Oh, by the way, Mother's Day is actually this Sunday. :) I'm not sure if we'll be skyping, we've been approved for it but we don't have skype on our iPads now because of the online proselyting training were going through. Could you email me your phone number today so I can have it to call? Expect a skype call or a phone call sometime after 6 Arizona time :) love you!!

I look tired, oh well. Our church bldg!

L and Ross and sister Wright and I at mesa temple visitors center :)

Biking. it's in the 100s now!

Thursday, April 30, 2015


Dear Family,

Thanks for the emails and pictures! I love getting them every week - always lots of cute lambs, and my awesome family :D I am definitely looking forward to wearing pants when I get home! As well as going to Mt Vernon, the beach, and going jogging! I've gotten pretty out of shape on my mission, sadly.... We have 30 min to exercise every morning, but by the time you pray, use the loo, and throw on workout clothes, it's usually more like 20. So, needless to say, I can barely run a mile and a half now haha. I'm really looking forward to getting back in shape when I go home. :) I would love to go running with you - it's okay if you go ahead of me and everything haha because I'll be slow, but that will help me be motivated to do it every day!

I'm happy to hear Brittany came over! I'm looking forward to shopping with her! If there's an ikea nearby, they usually have super cute furniture for a great deal too. Maybe we can look at Pinterest and find some cute renovating furniture ideas :)

I am so excited to study photography in DC. :) It will be so incredible! I hope dad can set up that appointment soon! Maybe he can explain the situation to them, so either he can do it for me, or we can schedule it asap when I get home. Sometimes it can be hard to get into the right classes because enrolling can be crazy - some students have stayed up till midnight so they can enroll right away because the classes can get filled up quickly... So it would be good to do asap :)

Well I have some great news - I'm staying in Maryvale!!! With Sister W!!! :) :) WOOOHOOOOO!!!! Haha, I am sooo happy! I couldn't have asked for a better ending - or a better push off for my next beginning. They made a lot of really cool changes in our zone! So in Phoenix, there used to be two zones of missionaries, with about 20 missionaries each - Phoenix, and Phoenix south zones. They both were mostly Spanish speaking but a little bit of English. Well, this transfer, they took away those zones and replaced them with a Spanish zone and an English zone, that covers all of Phoenix that's in our mission. Obviously I'm in the English one, in the Spanish one they do all of their planning and meetings and eveything in Spanish which is super cool. But the awesome part is that now my old area in south Phoenix is in our zone!!! So I'm in the same zone as the south mountain ward and vineyard ward again :) another funny thing is that 3 of my former companions are in our zone - sisters A, W, and S! Haha, and some elders that we became great friends with as well! I'm so excited, it's going to be an amazing transfer!

We had so many miracles this week. It was a little bit of a hard week, with stress and the changes - even though they were good changes, change is always a little stressful. But the miracles far exceeded the hard moments. :) One of the miracles is still R. He is incredible! We taught him the word of wisdom this week. He still asks us for the lessons beforehand. So we got there, and he basically taught us the word of wisdom. He told us that he used to drink tea every morning, but after he studied it he stopped. He started living it before we even committed him, or even taught him! He is almost doing everything on his own, we are literally just his guides guiding him through his studies and his journey. It's been so incredible to hear his testimony and see the change in him. He told the elders that before we knocked, he had prayed that someone would come into his life to help him find the truth. He sees us coming and teaching him as his answer. He said that God is compelling him to move forward, and he described to us how he feels he Spirit so strongly, and that's how he knows it's right. It's so incredible! He's the most prepared person I've ever taught. Bishop T also talked with him about the priesthood, and I wish you could have heard R! He said he felt so honored hat he would be able to hold the priesthood someday, and that that was one of the things he was most excited for. I could just see in his face how sincere and humble he was, and I know that he will be a man who truly honors and appreciates the priesthood. It was incredible to see. We are so excited for him! :)

We had the best night last night! So first of all we weren't in by less active members we had never met before. We knocked on a door, and a man answered, and at first j was scared! I didn't recognize the name, but when I saw him I realized he was a man we almost started teaching last year, but then he and his wife said they don't like sisters, only elders. So I was nervous to talk with him. But then he started telling us about the trials he's been going through, and he said he had prayed that someone from the church would come, and he just had a feeling that somebody would. And then we showed up. We had a powerful lesson with him, and it really helped him and strengthened his testimony during this hard time. It was incredible! 

The next miracle was teaching A and J. Their such a cool couple! They have a sad story - A is a returned missionary who was left after his mission. He and J, his wife, want to come back. She's not a member, and she wants to learn more and be baptized. She's had mormon friends all her life, and she wants her kids to grow up in the gospel, and she wants to gain a more personal relationship with Christ. We taught them the restoration last night and it was sooooo awesome :) They are such a cool young couple! We are working with bishop in helping them, and she'll probably be baptized within the next month! She wants to be :) Yay!!! So that is super exciting!!!!

Other then that, it's just been an awesome week. We had transfers, that's always crazy, but we're both so happy to be staying. 

Our address is....

If you want to send letters, I would love to hear from you! :)

Sorry this emails a little shorter today - we have a ton going on, and my brain is a little tired and scattered haha. But we are doing great, I am so happy, and we are being so blessed. This is going to be the best transfer ever :) 

On my parting note, I'll leave ya with something funny. So sister wr and I have both started keeping a little quote book, because people say the funniest things! So here are some from this week.

Here are some funny quotes from this week...
"Church ball: the only fight that begins and ends with a prayer." - Sister K, an awesome member in our ward.

"Elder, things are looking a little...... Shady." (Swipes off sunglasses) - Elder C

In gospel principles, there is a lady in our ward who is the cutest little old lady ever - she's like a Hollywood diva from the 40s. They were teaching the class, and the teacher said " a man is given a wife for what reason?" N, the cute old lady, responded "to survive" and then laughed hahaha.

"We are going to listen to a message from a man called elder holland. Others refer to him as Jeffrey, namely the Lord." - elder t our zone leader in a training he gave.

Driving by a park in Phoenix, sister w exclaimed "I mean, look at that! It's like an apocalypse of pigeons!"

And we were teaching L, the cutest lady- my recent convert from south phx who moved into this ward a month or so before I got here. C, her fiancĂ©, was telling her about temples. He said "they have them all over the world! Germany, Australia, Japan... The one in Japan is tiny though." 

To which L replied, "that's because the people are so cute and tiny there!" Haha, she didn't mean anything about it, she just said it in this cute way! It was cute :)

Well, love you guys! Sorry this email is so scattered. I hope you have an awesome week! :) love you!


Sister Whitney Morris 


Dear Family,

Thanks for the emails!! I was SO happy to hear about the art program acceptance too! I think it is incredible, the timing of receiving that. It was amazing to me too, having sent that letter a few days before, and then receiving the acceptance. It felt like a confirmation to me that Heavenly Father is helping to guide me in my choice, and that its right. I'm happy to hear about Dad's job, and that Brittney liked my letter. I really love her and Dexter, and I support and love them completely. It was fun to hear about his marine training, and I'm happy he gets to go to boot camp soon! You'll have to make sure you send me his address so I can write him. It was funny seeing the pictures. It's funny - I have a hard time seeing if I've changed on my mission, and in what ways, because it's such gradual change I guess. I don't know if I've changed or not. But I do know one huge way I've changed is what I value in an eternal companion. I was talking about this with sister w last night, before my mission I had my heart set on some righteous military hero. I mean, that sounds pretty awesome :) not complaining if it ends up that way! but I've come to know that there are so many true heroes that would make incredible husbands and fathers. I think my perspective has changed a lot in a good way, because before my mission I was so nieve and a little immature. I think I probably still am in some ways, but I'm grateful for the things my mission has taught me about finding an eternal companion. I've learned to value the most important things, like a firm testimony, humility, honor, courage, patience, kindness, compassion, strength, ect.... As well as being able to kill a moose with his bare hands. Hahaha, ok, kidding on that one :D but seriously,  I think my whole perspective has changed a lot. Anyways, sorry to ramble about that :D
I'm glad tiny Tim has recovered, and that's so crazy Jacob went to his first dance!! Soooo weird! It was fun to see pics of him and Isaac and Hannah in her cute grandma dress. :)

I did have one question about school - do you think you could schedule that appt for me to meet with that guy to sign up for classes? We'll have to figure out what classes I need to take, so hopefully I can still graduate on time, or not delay it too long with the transferring of credits and everything. I am sooo excited to live in Washington, D.C., and to study art there. That is seriously my dream, and I am so, so grateful Heavenly Father made it possible. 

We've had a great week here! The transfer is ending, we'll find out if we're being transferred this Tuesday. I think both of us will be staying - I really hope so! I love sister wright sooo much, and this area is so special to me. I love it, I love the people. I would be happy to die here. But if any changes happen, I know they'll be for a good reason, and I'll be happy with whatever happens.

R is doing amazing. We've been teaching him, and he is completely committed to his baptism. Funny story : last week he came to church for the first time. We had some sort of miscommunication, and he had actually thought he was getting baptized that day! But he showed up anyways! Haha. He loved church, and came again yesterday. We've been teaching him the lessons, and he does so much studying. He studied the Sunday school lesson ahead of time so he would be able to participate. He also asked us to tell him what we'll be discussing in the next lesson so he can study ahead of time and prepare himself. He is incredible. We taught him the restoration, plan of salvation, and the gospel of Jesus Christ. When we put him on date, after we left he wanted to learn more about baptism. So he searched and studied about baptism in his gospel library app on his phone, which he loves. He is incredible!! He also watches the restoration movie we gave him, and he has a testimony of Joseph smith. The eq and rs lessons this week were perfect for him, about president bensons testimony of Joseph smith. It was so powerful! The best part though was we invited him to come to a baptism Saturday evening. Transportation is hard to find in this area, because it's low income and most people don't have vehicles or their vehicles don't work. So our elders quorum president, brother D, pushed R in his wheelchair over a mile to the stake center so he could watch the baptism. It was soooo powerful and so sweet to see him, dressed in his white shirt and tie, pushing ross in his wheelchair down the (let's be honest, a little dirty and rough) streets of Phoenix, with the busy traffic and everything. It was one of the sweetest scenes I've ever seen in my life. R loved the baptism, and he is so excited to be baptized! We're still not sure how it will happen, because he can't walk, but our bishop and ward mission leader and us will figure something out. I really love R, he is SO prepared, and so dedicated! He has every excuse not to come to church and jot so things, but he wants to and he is so dedicated, and Heavenly Father is blessing him. It's powerful hearing him talk to us about how he feels the Spirit leading him in this direction and the happiness it brings him. It is so incredible and indescribable. ♥️

I'm trying to think of what else has happened.... We've done a TON of street contacting, which has been so fun. We met the sweetest old man the other day. He is blind, a marine veteran, and his wife died a few years ago. He used to be a preacher and loves the bible, and yet he is so open and wants to come to church! We had the sweetest conversation with him. I love talking with people. It's scary, the hardest part is just starting by saying hello. But once you do, it's amazing to see how many people are wanting to talk, and just need someone to listen and be a friend. I love the people here so much. I'm going to miss them. 

So much has happened, it's been such an awesome week. I have felt really sad these past two days, knowing my last transfer is coming. My mission has been the greatest experience I've ever had in my life. I don't feel ready to go home. There's so much I still want to learn, and I still want to serve. It makes me so sad to think about leaving. I am excited to see you all again, and for the great things in life still coming. But right now I just love my mission so much. I am going to miss it so, so much. But I guess I'll just not focus on that - I'll just focus on loving and appreciating each moment, and making every moment count. I love this gospel, and I love my Savior. I know that He is real and that He is the one whose given me the strength to serve a mission. It's not easy, but He has helped me. Serving Him and feeding His sheep has been the most rewarding, joyful experience in my life. The moments where I have felt such great joy, such great love that I can't even describe will be moments I'll always treasure, and they make every rejection, every hot, exhausting day biking worth it. I have loved my mission. 

Well, I love you guys. I hope you always remember how much God loves you, and I hope you all remember what great potential we have in helping his children come unto Him. We all can help and serve in some meaningful important way. There are three quotes from pmg  I want to share that I love...

“Let the Saints remember that great things depend on their individual exertion, and that they are called to be co-workers with us and the Holy Spirit in accomplishing the great work of the last days” - Pres Joseph Smith
Isn't that incredible? We are called to be coworkers with the prophet, with the Lord, with the Holy Ghost in accomplishing the great work in the last days. Great things depend on our individual exertion. Out of small things proceeds that which is great. No matter how small we feel our contribution may be, it is important to the Lord and great things will come of it. We may not see that immediately, or during this life, but one day we'll be able to see clearly.

President David o McKay:
“True Christianity is love in action. There is no better way to manifest love for God than to show an unselfish love for your fellow men. This is the spirit of missionary work” (Gospel Ideals [1954], 129).

The greatest part of being a missionary is the LOVE. You feel the love of God, every day, more then you ever have in your life. You grow to love the people so, so much. You come to love the Savior more...and you learn how to better give love to others.

President Harold B. Lee (1972–1973)
 “Missionary work is but home teaching to those who are not now members of the Church, and home teaching is nothing more or less than missionary work to Church members” (Improvement Era, Dec. 1964, 1078).

I love this one. I have gained such a strong testimony of visiting teaching on my mission. All us children of God are in this together, and we need each other. Members need strengthening and testimonies shared with them, they need our love and support, just as much as people barely coming into the church do. I can't tell you how many people we've taught who could benefit sooooo much from faithful visiting and home teachers. There are so many people who are lonely, who carry heavy burdens, and who may be struggling. It is our responsibility as covenant makers and keepers to fulfill our covenants and love and serve them, and bear their burdens. We promised the Lord we would give him everything in the covenants we made. Let's remember that and try to serve a little more faithfully, a little more gratefully. When we remember that, we feel the Spirit and the love of our Heavenly Father and that service changes us, and it blesses our lives even more then it blesses the lives of those we serve. I definitely know that that's true, I've experienced it on my mission. 

I love you guys :) your such an awesome family. Thank you for everything! I love you!


Sister Whitney Morris 

Thursday, April 16, 2015


Dear Family,

Thanks for the email! I loved hearing about how everyone is doing. Happy birthday this week, Peter!! :) his bday party looked so fun! Haha, I love the plastic noses! Isaacs crutches that are too small are sooo sad!! And hilarious haha, poor Izey wisey... Or should I say, tiny tim... Haha that's so funny :) I do hope his leg is doing better though!  I got Brittanys letter this week, which was SO sweet. I know they'll pull through. It will work out somehow. I'm really proud of Dexter and that he is doing so well and trying his best to do what's right! I know Heavenly Father will really bless him for the faith he is showing and with his righteous desires. It will work out. :) I did get the Easter package, thank you so much for sending it! We especially loved the gummy lambs and ducks - they were delicious :) and I LOVED the earrings! Thank you!

As far as logistics when I come home, I think the main things are getting released - hopefully the same day I get home? That is the saddest sentence ever.... Gosh, I donnt want to not be a missionary anymore :( I'm going to miss it sooooo much. I guess please be patient with me and my returned missionary struggle ha. It will be a great blessing. I want to get involved in institute, getting a job, and preparing for school asap - which includes getting a cell phone... I think that might be the main thing at first. That and a job for gas and savings. But we'll work that out when I get home! I also will have almost no clothes haha, but I've saved all my gift cards for post mission shopping, so that will help! Anyways, this is making me really sad, so I'm going to move on to a different topic. 

It was so sweet and sad to hear about Adams experience sharing his testimony. Adam, I want to share a story with you. So my companion, sister w, is the most awesome missionary EVER! She's from Arkansas, and is such a powerful teacher, and has such a strong testimony. She is one of the best people I've ever met! She is incredible! With how awesome she is, I think Heavenly Father gave her a weakness for a reason, I don't know why. Maybe to help other people. But she gave me permission to share this :) She has social anxiety, and so if we're in a big group of people she sometimes will start crying. But the most hard thing for her is public speaking. In district mtg, our district leader asked her to share a 5 min thought. She stood up, and she started, and then she started getting soooo nervous. Her eyes kind of rolled back, and she started tipping forward, and I had to catch her! We went to the bathroom, and it was so sad. She was heartbroken and felt like a failure. But the awesome thing is that she didn't give up. She was scared that nobody would ask her to speak again. But after the meeting, our district leader apologized, and said if she ever wanted to share a thought again to let him know and she could do that. That meant the world to her. Well, Saturday night, at the luau we had, we had to give a little lesson about missionary work. In front of like 50 people! And you know what she did?? At the end, she gave a little presentation in front of everyone!! It took so much courage! It's okay to get nervous sometimes, and it's okay if we feel like we messed up. The good thing is that we can always get up and try again. And when we finally succeed, it's all the more valuable because of the struggle we had to overcome to succeed. She is one of my greatest heroes, and you are too Adam. :) I loved your testimony about sheep and the savior! It was so good! I'm excited to hear you share it again someday. :)

I had one other story I wanted to tell you guys. So we have the most amazing young woman in our ward. She is incredible! We went on visits with her, and at the end she asked us for advice. She said some of the yw were mean to her, and gave her unkind stares and remarks during church that made her feel really sad. We comforted her, testified of Gods love for her. And the amazing thing is this young woman tried to smile at them, and be kind in return, but it didn't help anything. She shared this with us, and then I felt prompted to share Hannah's poem with her and tell her a little bit about how Hannah struggled with similar things. But how AMAZING and strong she is, and how the young woman was so strong and incredible too. She started crying, and it helped her soooo much! Hannah, your poem and example made the difference and brought comfort to a young woman many miles away from you. You never know what difference you can make. I just wanted to share that with you :)

As for us, it's been such an amazing week! I love my area, I LOVE my companion, and I love this gospel - especially studying the scriptures. I absolutely love being a missionary. :) we had so many cool experiences! 

The first is that we have an AMAZING investigator named R!! He's probably in his early 60s, a navy veteran who is disabled (he's in a wheelchair and has alot of pain :(  ) but he is sooo prepared. We taught him the restoration, bom, and plan of salvation, and he is amazing. He studies on his own, reads everything we give him, and he wants to be baptized! May 9th is the day! It's so cool, he has started telling his family, and they all started asking him why, and saying he shouldn't do it, and even got angry, but he told them that he is doing this for himself and God, and he has already started gaining such a strong testimony. On Sunday he came to church and it was so awesome. Afterwards the elders, eq president, and our wml and his dad gave him a blessing of health because of the pain he was in. It was soooo powerful. They taught him a bit about the priesthood and what a blessing is and how it's dependent on his faith beforehand, and he told us that even when we first told him about what a blessing is he believed it would help. Elder C (an elder in our ward - we have 3 sets of missionaries) pronounced the blessing, and instantly the Spirit filled the room. We could feel that R had such strong faith, and so Heavenly Father blessed him sooo much. The Spirit was so, so strong. It was so powerful!! It was one of the most spiritual experiences of my mission. It is truly an absolute honor to be able to serve and teach these people! R is so awesome!! When he's baptized we might have to do it on a stretcher, or have multiple people baptize him because he can't lean backwards, so he'll have to go go straight down laying on his back. But the eq and bishop are going to work something out! He is so excited!

Yesterday was such an amazing day. So many special, incredible things happened. It is the greatest miracle to know that the Lord is working through you, and to see Him answer prayers and bless the lives of His children through you. 

We got to go to the temple on Thursday, and that was awesome! We did a session, and it was so beautiful and so spiritual. I love going to the temple. The Spanish missionaries had a big conference this weekend, and they got to go through and do a session in Spanish! That seemed really cool. :) 

We've been teaching so many people and have had many incredible experiences - whether it be somebody on the street, or less active families, or with our investigators. On Saturday we had a ward luau to help motivate the ward to share the gospel. It was crazy, but so awesome too!! We have AMAZING Polynesian families in our ward, so they made delicious food - bbq pork, delicious noodles, and pineapple upside down cake. Yum! They also had a dance group come and provide entertainment - hula dancing and some of the brothers did the Hahkka (the dance the rugby team on forever strong does before their games.) it was kind of intimidating haha, but SO awesome!! After the dinner we as missionaries provided different workshops, along with some awesome members in our ward. We based our trainings off of he book "the power of an everyday missionary" which is an AMAZING book! And it's easy and fun to read! Our mission pres approved us to read it because alot of stakes in az use it. It's an awesome, awesome book! So that was great. 

We had some funny experiences this week too - one of the less active guys we were teaching had a lesson with us. He was baptized 5+ yrs ago. But hasn't been to church in forever, and just lost his testimony :( he loves Christ but doesn't understand why we need the bom. So that was really sad. He basically dropped us, and we just shared our testimonies and told him if he ever felt he was missing something in his life that he would always be welcome. A few hrs later though he called. We missed it, so we texted back "did you call?" This was his reply... "Yes I want to talk more but maybe I'm wrong but the thing is and don't take this wrong I'm in love with you, everything about you please call me. I ask God to give me a woman who love Him then me please never let me go." Hahaha... Oh man.... It was a little crazy! So we didn't text back or anything, and we made a note in his teaching record to not send sisters. Poor guy! I feel so sad for him. 

I think that's about all for this week! Soooo much happens every single day, so many miracles and times I feel the Spirit, and it is incredible. Also some hard and discouraging times, A dropped us. That was really, really sad. We met with her, and her mom has been telling her bad things about the church, and she also looked up anti material. We talked with her in the lesson and just bore our testimonies, expressed our love for her, and hopefully left some seeds planted. She was doing well but just started listening to the wrong voices, and wouldn't give the Book of Mormon a chance. She wouldn't read it because she was scared. It was really, really sad! But the good thing is before we left she had us teach her kids a little bit about the Savior. We taught them using a few videos and pictures, teaching them about Christ and his life and atonement. It was a sweet note to end on, and we just bore our testimonies and invited her to read and pray and left. I feel that someday she'll be ready, right now is just not her time. But I'm really grateful we had the opportunity to teach her, I really love her and her kids. 

I love the people so much. My companion is THE BEST. I love her so much! She is hilarious, and also so sweet and kind. I feel myself becoming a better person because I'm around her! I am quite serious when I think Heavenly Father blessed me with a companion near the end to teach me what to look for in a spouse! As funny as that sounds, haha. I love training her, and I feel like I'm learning more then she is! Being a missionary is the best!

Well I think that's all for today! As part of the technology program were only allowed to use iPads for email now, so no pictures today :( and probably for a while. They're going to try and work something out, but that's why my grammar is so bad - silly autocorrect!

I love you guys! Thanks for the awesome emails. :) I love you and have an awesome week!

Sister Whitney Morris