Thursday, November 13, 2014

November 10, 2014

Dear Family,

I can't believe it is my one year month. It has gone so fast! To be honest, it makes me really sad. I love my mission. I don't feel like I'm ready to go home... so good thing I have 7 more months left. :) Mommy, I loved what you said about realizing other people give love differently. I think that's something I learned with Sister D. Thanks so much for sharing that. :) 
Before I say anything else, Elder W. and his comp are sitting next to me, and they say hi haha. 
I LOVED Hannah's experience!! That is so awesome!! It's so crazy how every time something goes bad, and something tells us not to do something good (like go to school, go visit someone, go pray, ect) that's the exact time we need to do it. That is so cool she could talk about Joseph Smith to her whole class!!! I loved that!! Way to got Hannah!! :D That is seriously sooo cool!! And it's awesome that your getting a modest bridesmaid dress. :) 
Thanks so much for sending the package!  That is awesome! :) That's so sad about the cat too... I'm glad it survived haha. Poor thing! I'm so excited about Isaac's mission!! He's going to be an amazing missionary. :) Isaac, have you watched the district at all? Or studied PMG? If not, you totally should. :) There are ways to make it fun, you don't have to read it straight through! And they have cool spiritual activities to do in it!

If there's anything on my mission that I've learned, it's that event + response = outcome. Even if someone does something that hurts us, we can choose to respond in a way that makes the outcome a good one.  Because that is really how Christ would have us love and forgive, and He is the key to family happiness. I know what He has taught us about the family and love in the home is true. I know it's only following His example that that healing is found. I love you guys. :) and I'm proud of you.

Well, as for me, this week has been great! My new companion is Sister S, and I LOVE HER. We get along SO well!!! It's crazy!! Like, it's almost weird how well we get along. Before Sis D left, we took some fun pics up in the mountains on p day, so I'm sending those home today. AZ is sooooo beautiful. I also had a really neat moment. My whole life I've been really critical of myself, and have had pretty low self esteem, ect. Well, this last transfer with Sis D was a life changing time because she taught me how to not be so hard on myself. And our last P day, I had this moment where I felt so much peace, and I just realized that I am happy with who I am, and God is too. It was the most peaceful, freeing moment. The greatest lesson I learned last transfer was to not be so hard on myself, and in turn not to be so hard on others either. It was an incredible lesson for me. 

We had so many incredible experiences!! It's sooo busy, and time is so limited to write, but one of the highlights was a Less active lady we went by. We had never met her before. It turns out she is homebound, and was praying someone in the church would contact her (she hasn't been contacted in years). She shared with us stories from her mission and her powerful, powerful story of the Book of Mormon with tears in her eyes. It was the most incredible, humbling experience. I know God guided us to find her. It was so incredible! Now the Relief Society is going to go visit her. It was amazing. :) 

We have so much work to do!! Every day is full of lessons, of street contacting, of finding new referrals - we've gotten so many referrals!! It's a miracle! And most of them are interested and want to continue meeting with us! I am SO excited for this transfer, because we have an insane amount of work to do. It's CRAZY. And it's awesome!!! I am so happy!! Our companionship is awesome, and we just have so much work to do! It will be a transfer of miracles!

S and R are doing great! They came to a baptism after church Sunday, which was in spanish. A whole familiy being baptized. :) It was so powerful! Some missionaries who went home came back, and it was so neat to see them! It's so weird that that will be me in less then a year. Ahh! 

I wish I had more time to write, because there is SO MUCH. But just know I love you guys. Missions are incredible. This time is really a time to dedicate every last second, every last bit of energy, to the Lord and to God's children. I absolutely love it. I know He gives us the energy and strength and power we need to do His work. I know His power is real, and that the Atonement enables us to do things we could never do on our own. I LOVE my mission!!!

Love you guys!


Sister Whitney Morris

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