Wednesday, September 3, 2014

9-1 2014

Dear Family,

Thank you for the email! :) haha, I love hearing from you guys! I'm
writing from my iPad today because the library is closed, so please
excuse the bad grammar/spelling mistakes... It's kinda hard and not
too much time :)

It was so funny to read about Isaacs birthday! Haha, I'm glad Dexter &
Britt could come down! That is soooo cool she wanted to read from the
gospel principles manual :) I bet she would love the Ensign and also
the true to the faith book! Those would be good ones to have her read
too! That's so funny about Hannah's hard work, having her own time
haha.... I used to feel sad when I felt like there was nobody I could
hang out with. But then you forget that sometimes it's sooo nice just
hanging out with yourself :) I think Hannah is one of the few 15 yr
old girls whose sole interest in life isn't boys hahaha. I know mine
definitely was! Haha She's so awesome! :)
Thinking of the boys goat screaming made me laugh soooo hard haha...
Oh man! Home is so hilarious. I love you guys :D thanks for the advice
about college! I'm pretty sure George mason... We'll see where The
Lord leads me though :) how are the applications for that going? Funny
story, last night we went to a former investigators house and we had a
good lesson with them,.. And they are from Winchester!!!! How random
is that?? She actually went to George Mason! So that was pretty cool!
Their a super nice family, but not too interested yet... But we'll see
how the next lesson goes :) Funny huh??
Hahaha the quack for joy made me laugh soooo hard!!! Oh my gosh, that
was hilarious hahaha. I will never watch that musical the same way
again... That was so cute about Peter too! Aw he's such a doll! :)
What he should do is start his own missionary fund :)

Well as for me this week has been awesome! And super fast! Monday our
fireside went great!! It was really cool, the perfect amount of people
came... And the cool story is that afterwards we were just talking
with people, and one of the elders said "Sister Morris! Come here!" So
I went over, and there was a lady who came to watch, and she wants to
take the discussions!!! Awesome huh?? It was such a miracle! So we
found a new person to teach who is super interested :) we've had a
hard time contacting her, but hopefully we'll be able to meet with her
soon. She's super busy - her son is training to join the Olympics.
Apparently his swimming record has best Michael Phelps! Cool huh?? But
yeah, hopefully we'll see her soon!

Other then that, we've had a good week. B is continuing to do well
:) this week we went by and he was grilling, so he said next time he
would make us dinner. So for the next lesson we got to his house, and
he had set up this nice table on the front porch, with all this yummy
food and dishes and everything laid out! It was so cute!! So we had
dinner, and had a good lesson with him! And.... HE COMMITTED TO COME
TO CHURCH!!!! Woooohoooo!!! Haha it has taken so long, but he is
warming up and we can see his heart softening more and feeling the
Spirit every time we visit. So were really excited about that. He's an
awesome man, and we just really love him and hope he can find the
blessings in the gospel. We'll see what happens!

Sadly on Sunday he has to cancel... But he said he's coming for sure
next week :) oh and we sang in sacrament meeting! That was fun! With
the Spanish sisters. A sister in our ward just got home from her
mission in Argentina... She had the craziest stories! She got robbed 6
times, and 1 of those was at gunpoint. Crazy huh??? It was really fun
to hear about! She had some awesome faith inspiring experiences too :)

We had mission conference this week and it was AMAZING!! Oh man...
Slder Sweitzer from the 70 came, and it was so amazing. I learned so
much. Pres and Sis T trained too, and talked about humility and
Christlike attributes.... It was sooo powerful. I felt like Heavenly
Father was talking directly to me, and I'm so excited to apply the
things I've learned... Both in my missionary work and also in the
development of my own character. It's really exciting. I love being a

We also had some super funny moments this week!! Haha so we were
teaching this lady in our ward whose active but had been going through
an awful time. So we were teaching her, and we showed her a video of
Pres Uchtdorf in one of the Mormon messages. We told her it was elder
Uchtdorf and she said "oh... He is such a handsome man! My friend
calls him the hot apostle!" Hahaha it was soooo funny! She's like 60.
We were just laughing, it was hilarious :D

Other then that, I know a TON happened this week,  but I can't
remember any of it right now haha... How sad is that? We had a lesson
with A and T, and it went well. The work is still going
slow.... But we're still working hard to find people and doing our

I also got the meter this week, and the contacts! Thank you soooo much!!!

Sorry this wasn't a more exciting email. I hope you guys have an
awesome week!!! Thanks for everything :) I'm excited to get the
letters! Thanks :)

Love you guys!

Love, Sister Whitney Morris

The only pics from this week.... I saw Hermana R and Sister D
at the mission conference, and that was AWESOME!!!! So those pics will
come next week :). But this was a cute bear in the retirement
community. They have the most random stuff!

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